Saturday, December 5, 2009


December 4, 2009, I'll cherish you forever. :>


so December 4 was a day full of activities for me. It was very tiring, but worth it.
-- long test 2 (damn that trigo test. I loved the lesson, yet I went totally blank on the test! Gahh. Stupid reference angles.)
-- s.ex with classmates plus Arvin and Gjem.
-- hang out at my house. Paranormal Activity, White Chicks, and pizza! yeahh :))
-- back to school, going to Carl's house. It was delayed for one hour, since the guards were VERY strict. Screw them. (Alabang 400)
-- Carl's house!

First off, my outfit last night was mehhh for me. I don't really like wearing shorts AND sandals with heels. Damn, I looked feminine, which is unusual for me. Haha. Why? Because I'm a conservative person I guess. All my clothes are decent and I only wear pants. :P so yea, it was definitely a first time.
I was really planning on wearing leggings instead, but Bea forced me to wear the shorts. In the end I did, and people told me it looked much better. And that I was beautiful last night. Right, as if. I don't really like getting compliments. I usually don't believe most of 'em.
so then I enjoyed Intensity. I didn't dance and we mostly sat on the bench, but it was still fun. I noticed though, that when the bands started to perform, people got bored and started leaving. I guess the dance would've been better if they just played songs like Tik Tok, Party In The USA, and all the other dance-y songs throughout the night.

In the end, again, I enjoyed the entire day since I spent it with my friends. ;)

I drew a SMILE @ 2:51 PM l 0Comment